About Image



I am an urban planner by trade and photographer on the side. I was born in Miami, moved to Denver as a teenager, spent early adulthood in Chicago (before going back to Denver) and now I call Los Angeles home. Living in those places has instilled in me a deep interest and curiosity about the built environment and its communities. My photos consist of street photography and documentary photography — the latter focusing on urban planning topics unfamiliar to the general public. For prints or other inquiries like relationship advice or stock tips, please contact me at alex@alexkessel.com


I am an urban planner by trade and photographer on the side. I was born in Miami, moved to Denver as a teenager, spent early adulthood in Chicago (before going back to Denver) and now I call Los Angeles home. Living in those places has instilled in me a deep interest and curiosity about the built environment and its communities. My photos consist of street photography and documentary photography — the latter focusing on urban planning topics unfamiliar to the general public. For prints or other inquiries like relationship advice or stock tips, please contact me at alex@alexkessel.com